Subject: Terry's microscope
From: "Dr R J Merchant"
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 20:11:30 +1300

Olympus 8071 polarising binocular transmitted and reflected light petrographic microscope


I have been asked by Terry to try and find a buyer for his microscope.  He wants to sell it and donate the funds to the gentle folk at the Mahamudra Buddhist Centre who are setting up a hospice on their ground in Coromandel in Terry’s honour.


The microscope is a top of the range version bought about 15 years ago and regularly serviced by Microimaging of Auckland. The equivalent replacement at today’s prices would be about 15,000 NZD. It is complete with camera and photographic attachments.


I will gather better specs and photographs when I next visit Terry. The family is open to any offers.


Terry’s condition is still slowly deteriorating with dropping energy levels on a daily basis.





A later e-mail from Ray Merchant 26th February.
Hi All,
An update on Terry. I had last been to see him about 3 weeks ago when Peter Roberts, Richard Barker and myself had gone to Coromandel to clear out Terry's office so that a care giver could use the office building as a sleep-out.
I was not at all prepared for what I saw when my wife and I arrived today. I was overwhelmed with grief at the sight of my once vibrant friend and colleague curled up on the bed with nearly no muscle mass skin and bones...literally! He is now confined to bed or wheelchair. I am sorry for being so graphic, but I was profoundly moved. There was however, still the bond of kindred spirits, as we could connect as only close friends can. Around him a cacophony of medications and a workbook of when and how much to administer; it is the vitamin C shots that are all that keep him going. This was my mate, a man who touched so many lives with his gentle manner, his razor-sharp wit and eye for humour in the most trying circumstances; a man who gave his utmost to any task he said he would undertake......a man who would always look for the good in people when others wrote them off. He is down to a very soft whisper now, and has only enough energy for the briefest of conversation. I was honoured to be allowed to spend time with him. I held his hand and with few words spoken, we went over the wonderful times we had had together, such was the connection.
You may be interested and perhaps delighted to learn that Terry was initiated a Buddhist monk a few weeks ago; he received his robes and was renamed Jampa Tashi (auspicious love)by a visiting Rimpoche; I share this with you with his blessing. It had been a lifetime ambition to follow that path and he used to tell me he would become a monk when he retired from business.
He has a sense of peace about him now, and spoke of his wonderings about his next incarnation. I sense his time is close, and I could all but hold in the emotion of knowing that this is the last I will see of this dignified soul in this life.....hard to reconcile with the memory of my first encounter of Terry the young graduate with bushy flowing unkempt hair dressed in grubby holey jeans chasing a nubile young lady through the hallowed halls of the geology department student research facilities!
These were very much his pre-Buddhist days.
I shall miss my old friend and found it impossible to hold in my emotion as we drove away from his Coromandel home. I am so honoured to have known him as a friend...and ps, he no longer complains about his sore knee, from his tennis playing days!
For those interested I have some photos of the microscope he is looking to is an Olympus trinocular BH2 and comes with a Cannon powershot A 520 digital camera and fittings. There is also a frame and tripod with special lighting for photographing rock samples and drillcore ( a Kaiser BM-3) if anyone is interested in making an offer.Photos available I have attached some pics of Terry as I first met him (hippie phase) and as a businessman; I have also attached a photo of his shrine in Coromandel. Please forward this email to the many others for whom I don't have an email address. I would be grateful.
Best Regards

Dr R J Merchant PhD BSc(Hons) MAusIMM
Mining Investor
Fibre Composites
19 Jadewynn Drive
Massey East
Waitakere City
Auckland 1008 NZ
Ph (09) 833 1330